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INTERPIPE STEEL has introduced and commissioned the ecological air monitoring system at Industrial District

10 сентября 2014

INTERPIPE STEEL mill has introduced and commissioned the environmental atmospheric air monitoring system. Ecologists of the Company get data on the concentration of various substances in the air in real time, ensuring the compliance of mill’s operations with high environmental standards. The ecological object has been located at the border of the mill’s sanitary protection zone and the residential area of Industrial District in Dnipropetrovsk – at Osenniaia Street.

The monitoring system includes an ecological post, carrying out air intake and measurements on the concentration of dust and nitrogen oxide particles, as well as the environmental monitoring station, used specifically for collection and analysis of all data obtained. Mill’s ecologists get these data in real time and use them to control the air state at the enterprise’s zone of influence. This is a unique environmental system, currently having no analogues at the Ukrainian industrial facilities.

Introduction of an environmental monitoring system has been provided for back at the mill’s construction stage and is a requirement of European environmental norms and regulations. Investments into this project have amounted to UAH 1.35 million.

“Continuous following and tight control of the mill’s impact upon the environment is a rule for us, - INTERPIPE STEEL Manager Dmitry Turunov has commented. – The launch of the air monitoring system will ensure even better efficiency of this process. This is another step in implementation of the green metallurgy concept”.


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