Dnepropetrovsk sunrise

Dnepropetrovsk sunrise
Dnepropetrovsk sunrise is a 60-metre-tall, freestanding sun. Made out of two intersecting yellow, corrugated-metal ellipses supported by a scaffolding, the sun is illuminated at dusk and dawn, so that it is visible from all points of the compass. It can be seen from across the river, on the other side of town, as a permanently rising sun. Dnepropetrovsk sunrise is the natural pendant to Double sunset, 1999, in Utrecht, the Netherlands, where passers-by were confronted with the illusion of a second sun setting next to the real one. Double sunset, however, could only be correctly viewed from one perspective, since there was a clear front and back to the two-dimensional sun.
"Dnepropetrovsk sunrise" - a metaphor for the industrial revival of Ukraine.

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